Never answer the same telemarketer twice
A drop dead simple lifehack for never answering a telemarketer twice, which I’ve been using for years. Create a contact named Telemarketer in your phone.… Read More »Never answer the same telemarketer twice
A drop dead simple lifehack for never answering a telemarketer twice, which I’ve been using for years. Create a contact named Telemarketer in your phone.… Read More »Never answer the same telemarketer twice
Here are some ideas for those of you who feel you are decently experienced with giving presentations, and want some tips on how to take… Read More »Take your presentation to the next level
I think it’s time stop using the words successful and attempt, when referring to mundane everyday tasks. It’s standard lingo for interface dialogues saying things… Read More »Enough already with the successful attempts
Here are ten great quotes, in no particular order, from one of my favorite books Rework by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson. I recommend it… Read More »Ten great quotes from Rework
Most of us spend a good deal of time by the keyboard, so your typing speed very much affects your working speed. Most of us… Read More »Work faster by typing faster